Mycronic is breaking ground for a new facility in Germany
In need of a bigger and better optimized facility, the headquarters for Mycronic PCB Test business line in Wertheim will relocate from Reicholzheim to Reinhardshof by the end of 2024. On November 14, 2023, the groundbreaking ceremony took place on the building site in Reinhardshof.

Within a year from now, the construction site will according to plan have been transformed into a newly built facility. A three-story office building with 1200 m² of floor space will house administration and the development department. The production area will be expanded to an area of 3000 m², where systems for the electrical testing of printed circuit boards will be manufactured. New modern buildings will provide employees with an environment designed to foster innovation and collaboration across departments. With a large solar cell system, the buildings will also be designed according to high energy standards that will reflect the company's high sustainability standards.
Since 2021, atg Luther & Maelzer has been part of the Swedish technology group Mycronic AB and constitutes our PCB Test business line, as a part of Mycronic’s Global Technologies division. With around 200 employees worldwide, atg Luther & Maelzer is a leader in the development, manufacture and sale of electrical inspection and testing equipment for bare printed circuit boards. The customers are among the global players in the electronics industry and ensure that electronic components, e.g. in smartphones and computers, function flawlessly.