Mycronic as an investment
Through focus on innovation and organic growth, together with an active acquisition strategy and healthy profit contributions from all divisions, Mycronic is well-placed to continue its growth journey.

1. Strong track record
Total yield has grown more than 2,600 percent over ten years. Mycronic total yield, including dividends, has outpaced the Stockholm OMX SGI index, including dividends.
2. Investing for growth
R&D is decentralized to the divisions that are best placed to decide which R&D investments are the most suitable for their markets. Acquisitions form a central part of Mycronic's growth strategy.
3. Growing after-market business
Mycronic's after-market business, 30 percent of net sales in 2022, has grown by 38 percent since 2018. After-market sales are expected to grow with our installed base and act as a cushion against swings in equipment sales.
4. All divisions contribute
Mycronic's earnings have historically been dominated by the Pattern Generators division. The group now has more widespread profitability and going forward all divisions shall be above an EBIT margin of above 10 percent.
5. Ambitious targets
Our targets are both financial and sustainability (