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Mycronic’s Nomination Committee appointed

24 SEP 2018

The Nomination Committee for Mycronic’s 2019 AGM has been appointed. In accordance with the AGM’s decision, Mycronic’s Nomination Committee shall consist of four members. The members shall represent the three largest known shareholders as of 31 August, 2018, together with the Chairman of the Board.

The composition of the Nomination Committee is as follows:

  • Henrik Blomquist, Bure Equity
  • Thomas Ehlin, Fjärde AP-fonden
  • Joachim Spetz, Swedbank Robur Fonder
  • Patrik Tigerschiöld, Chairman of the Board, Mycronic

The Nomination Committee represented 47.4 percent of votes and shares as of 31 August, 2018. Shareholders who wish to submit a proposal to the Nomination Committee for the 2019 AGM should do so in writing latest 31 January, 2019 to the following address:

Mycronic AB
Nomination Committee
Box 3141
SE 183 03 Täby